PROT.IT S.r.l intends to ensure the full satisfaction of the CUSTOMERS, the improvement of the efficiency, image and affirmation of the company on the market.

The company management considers the pursuit of "customer satisfaction" to be a priority above all other elements, towards which continuous and constant attention is paid, combined with constant growth in terms of safety and reliability. 

A fundamental element of the quality policy is the total monitoring of each batch of feed produced, through sampling, within the scope of application of its HACCP program. 

The management is committed to the development and improvement of the Quality System through: 

  1. Disclosure to the entire organization of the importance of complying with the requirements defined by laws and regulations and what is requested by customers and suppliers in full compliance with current laws; 
  2. The promotion of awareness and training initiatives;
  3. The availability, professionalism and adequacy of the resources made available to implement, keep updated and continuously improve the effectiveness of its Quality System, increasing customer satisfaction with reference to their explicit and implicit requirements; 
  4. A constant analysis of risks and opportunities in order to identify the actions to be taken for correct management;

Particular attention is also paid to energy consumption, aimed at greater savings in both energy and environmental terms.

Therefore, every actor in the company organization is constantly involved, with updates and checks on the processes that influence quality.

The company management always keeps in mind the objectives set in its quality policy by constantly evaluating whether it is necessary to make changes in the processes and procedures useful for achieving the objectives, with particular attention to feed safety.
